Monday, January 11, 2016


THIS MAN BEING SMART IN A SHORT PERIOD (Daily Healty) - For some people, to be smart, we need hard work . Learn day and night without stopping. But, who would have guessed, there are people who can be smart in just 1 night only. He is Jason Padgett, lucky man from America.

Inner Einstein or Savan Syndrome

Inner Einstein or Savant Syndrome

The story begins when Jason Padgett was in a bar, suddenly he was hit from behind and his head hit the table. During that time he was unconscious

When he woke up, he had been in the hospital. Because of his condition began to improve, doctors allow Jason to go home.

In the morning after discharge from the hospital, Jason's like seeing the world in a different perspective. The man who initially obsessed with large body suddenly has own interest on Mathematics and Physics.

"When I woke up, suddenly I see the world in a different way", said Jason through his book "Struck By the Genius: How A Brain Injury Made Me A Mathematical Marvel"

According to the doctor who handled the case of Jason, Jason is one of the 40 lucky people in the world who suffer from Savant Syndrome, commonly known by the inner einstein syndrome.

The great thing is, his brain could translate it as a mathematical point of view. "I see geometric patterns and lines that connect Mathematically. I can understand the pattern or formula without trying." He said

Knew he had changed, Jason decided to resign from his job and began to explore the field of Mathematics and Physics. In fact, it is a lesson that he hated at school.

Jason is initially known not like to draw, suddenly fulfill his house with ornate fractal images or repetitive geometric patterns. Some pictures even made ​​within several weeks because so the details of the image.

But, after that brain trauma, Jason's life was changed. He is initially easy to get along, suddenly preferring to shut himself at home. He also like to have their own fears against germs. That's why he always wash his hands.

He felt that he was insane. But after watching the documentary which was broadcast by the BBC channel featuring Daniel Tammet, the other people that suffered inner einstein, he began to realize that he was also suffered Inner Einstein.

Finally, he decided to see Dr. Darold Treffert, an expert in the field Savantisme. Dr. Darold was told that there were only 40 people in this world who got that blessing.

Jason's Case makes a Finnish doctor, Dr. Berit Broogard, curious to investigate. Dr. Berit also did MRI scans to examine the brains of Jason. As a result, Jason's left brain becomes maximally stimulated, especially in the area that known as the area of Mathematics. Dr. Berit said that trauma to the brain caused by a collision activates neurotransmitters flow into the area of Mathematics. That's why Jason became obsessed with numbers.

Not wanting to waste a miracle from the God, Jason returned to the University to establish his hobby in the field of Mathematics.

At the end of the book, Jason hung with beautiful words that "Every person has a tendency to be a genius who was still asleep. If this miracle could come to me, then you can, too." he concluded

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