Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Chiropody, Foot Care Shown To Lure

Foot Care Shown To Lure

Too often wearing sandals, sometimes make the feet look dull and dirty, so we have to do maintenance on the foot.

So that the overall net return leg, we usually perform foot care is often called a pedicure. However, too often in the salon pedicure will only make you spend too much money.

To minimize expenditure in the bag, you should try the tips below, as reported by Naturalhealth.

Soak feet

This is one important step to make your own pedicure at home. Soak feet in warm water is not only useful to shed dirt on the surface of the foot, but also makes the skin more supple and soft feet, making it easier to exfoliate dead skin (exfoliation).

Before soaking the feet, make sure you've cleaned nail color. Add one teaspoon of tea tree oil to eliminate the bacteria that cause smelly feet, a half-cup of bath salts to rejuvenate the skin of the foot, and three drops of mint or rosemary essential oil (for healing and refreshing). Soak your feet for 5-10 minutes.

Rub the skin of the rough

To remove the skins of rough, dead skin peluruh look to the size of the medium, such as sugar or salt crystals, and liquid moisturizer, such as jojoba or almond oil. Mix the oil with a little sugar, then use a scrub tool. Start at the heel, and up towards your toes with a circular motion, then flush with warm water.

calloused skin care

Now is the time remove the vessel on the skin. Use a pumice stone that is commonly used to ward off skin calluses in the salon. Rub the pumice stone moistened slightly calloused skin, which was spread with a little body wash as a lubricant.

With the movement back and forth slowly, rub a pumice stone from the heel with the toes. Do it slowly to remove the top layer of dead skin, not to rub the meat or the new skin on your feet? Never try to cut the calloused skin with sharp objects (like scissors or a razor).

Cut and miserly

Try to just put on a special cutting tool toenail polish. Cut distorted the shape of flat in front, and make the edges smooth with a curved cut. Then puree with a nail file. Creating the circular edge of the nail will help prevent ingrown toenail on the inside of the skin.

Moisturize and massage

To provide extra moisture, use a moisturizer for the feet, because the formula has been prepared. Perform in a circular motion, apply moisturizer all over your foot up toward the calf. Then slowly back toward your feet with a little pressure, give a massage on the soles of the feet and toes. Mini massage will help blood circulation and reduce swelling in the legs.
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