Friday, May 9, 2014

Health Tips for Mothers on Mother's Day Special

Health Tips for Mothers
Health Tips for Mothers
Hi, today i am going to post a blog on Health Tips for Mothers on this Mother's Day Special. This topic can also covers health tips for parents.

Mother's Day Special is the day celebrated for honoring mothers and motherhood in the society which we live. Every country celebrates the mother's day on different day in the month of April and May. Mother's Day was first celebrated by the US countries in 1908, when Anna held memorial for her mother in West Virginia. Her aim was to honor her mother since the only person that was Mom who has done more for you than anyone in this world.

Health Tips for Mothers on a Mother's Day Special

Here in this blog i am going to present you few of the health tips for a busy mom on a Mother's Day. Hope this will help in making your Mom feel better and follow the tips to live a healthy lifestyle.

1. Priorities your daily works:

Every mother should spend time in making their daily schedule in this running world. She should make herself comfort in relaxing, eating, exercising, socializing and etc. She should be mentally and physically well to give the best to their families.

2. Exercise:

Exercise - Health Tips for Mothers
Regular exercise is a must for every mother, as this will help her in a bit relaxed. She should continue her exercise by walking an hour daily. She should spend herself time in practicing Yoga in the morning daily to maintain a good and happy health.

3. Food:

Every mother must care for their families and their children. They work throughout the day for their families but not having time to have their breakfast and food in the right time. Doctor advice is to follow the correct timing for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. This will help them in giving energy and can continue their work without any problems.

4. Sleeping time:

This is one of the major problems with every mom. They have to get up early in the morning and have to do all their daily work in making their family with a good living and finally she goes to bed after all slept. So it is good to have a deep sleep at the time and for that she must be in bed at the right time.

5. Stress:

It was only mother who does every work for their families. So naturally there would be stress for her. She has to sit and relax a bit to avoid the tension and the stress. This will make her to live a long years.

6. Get help from others:

Every mother should get the help of their family members like husband, children, and neighbor to get the work done in the right time. Since only she cannot be able to complete all the work in the correct time. It is with the help of other only she can do the great things. So it is our duty to help our mothers in finishing the work and make her happy.

7. Beauty Tips:

As mother is the one doing every work for their family and don’t find time to look after her body and health. She should look after her beauty, by going to parlor for making her young and more beauty.

8. Drinking Water:

Drinking Water - Health Tips for Mothers
Drinking water in the early stomach in the early morning will help her in getting energy to perform the work daily without any fail. She has to drink at 5 liters of water daily and make her family members also to do the same. 

She can also prepare lemon water daily in the morning for their family members. There are more health benefits of drinking lemon water and hot water daily in the early morning.

Related Articles:

9. Summer Health Tips:

As this is the summer season, she has to make herself fit and has to prepare a schedule of what can be done for this summer. What food and drinks can be served to their family members in this summer? As summer is the season we need to be very careful since most of the disease will be occurring and she need to prevent her family members from those diseases.

Related Article: Summer Health Tips

10. Tour:

She can make a plan to go outing with their family members and neighbors to spend some time and be relaxed and cool in this hot summer. This will be helpful for their children too, as they will know much more things only when they go out.

11. Take Bath:

It is good to take a bath daily. This will help her to experience the chillness in this hot summer. As Gold says, "There’s nothing like taking all your clothes off and taking a bath or shower in the middle of the day to make you feel like a totally new person,"
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